I have put application for section 8 in as well for the doable and emergency list I have been at a place that have been living g in a grouge for 4 yrs no running water no bathroom no heat in winter and no air conditioner for the summer I have been paying300 a month for the 4yrs and with the bills included but for the last 10 months she has had the waster turned off she has not payed the gas bill or the electric bill Ii have tried to help her so this because I rented it with bills included in the rent but she has not payed the electric she has not done anything to do what is right and asked me r
Ro help so I have given her money for the rent as well and got the pay as u go electric bill and I’ve been paying 10 months of 200anomth on it and she won’t turn of all the lights and runs the money out I have one light one fan and a electric frying pan that’s all I use of electricity I have tryed to find a place to go but I’m disabled and get 900 a month and as of 6/20 2023 I have no more money of food with heat going in the100s and it goes off tomorrow and can’t find anyone to help me I have callwd ang gone to everyone who the have told me to try to get help from and I get no help I won’t go out on the streets and I’m don’t want to die from the heat some one please help me I’m scared and I’m very ill canceri think I need help someone please
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Call 211 on yr phone they will help ul