How to contact housing when you receive a email

When you get a email from affordable housing what to do who to reach out to

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How do i git my voucher

Hello Thank you for your email. I need emergency housing ASAP. Please contact at my email. Happy Holidays!

Janis Johnson

Please help me and my mother we need a 2 bed 1 bath asap thank

Hello im homeless and need shelter heidi fox

Hello to you all and may God bless you with many blessings :pray:t2:… I am on the section 8 waiting list waiting patiently for my voucher in the mail for me and my son to finally get our place that we can call home I’m still homeless and I am not giving up please someone help me get low-income housing help me with the section 8 waiting list it’s been a year now and I have not received anything in the mail yet I know that God will make it happen for me and my son it’s just the wait but it’s worth it… I thank you for reading my post and again Good luck with your experience and being chosen… God bless you

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I’m new to this what should I do