Hello I am 52 years old, disabled, and have been homeless for over 3 years now. I am in desperate need of help because it’s not conducive to my health for me to be on the streets. I live in Los Angeles CA & would like to receive some guidance on where to go or what to do for help. Please ANYTHING
Hello i need a Section 8 voucher like now…Can you call me at xxxxxxxxxx
They tell me there’s none I go down there at the lady said there’s nothing I don’t understand it all these places that are available and nobody can help me I’ve been on it for 2 years now and they told me I got to wait 6 years I’m on disability I don’t know what to do and all I do is try try it you know and they say there’s nothing and all I get is 1,166 a month I can’t find a place on that I can’t work because I need a hip replacement I don’t know what to do
I’ve tried to obtain a voucher I’ve kept checking to make sure that I was good I’ve been on it for 2 years now and they say there’s nothing I don’t know what to do I cannot be living in the streets cuz I’m hurt I need a hip replacement I’m on a disability I have memory loss issues and I don’t know what else to do if someone can please help me I’d be so grateful thank you
I’m trying to get emergency voucher so I don’t lose my home xxxxxxxx Kirk
Or xxxxxx
To whom this may concern I’m interested in a vouchers so that I can get off The streets it’s ourkoi g
Hi how do I get a housing voucher ASAP? I’m homeless in Milwaukee Wisconsin.
Hello my name is Candiac Scott and I recently got evicted from my apartment. I had a roommate but it went left. Currently I’m homeless and I really need the help. I have a place I found and I really want it. I do have health issues both physical and mental. The landlord will work with me and currently I’m n dyer need of my own personal space for my piece of mind. How or where do I find an online application or what do I need ta do?
How do I get in touch with someone to obtain my hotel voucher or a housing voucher in Phoenix, Arizona
Hi, my name is Kylie derise and I am a 100% disabled. I am a domestic violence abuse, victim and I am a participant of section 8 and 811 for the last 7 years. I have been wrongfully evicted from Acadia Parish without any paperwork. And the landlord Anna thorities had a today garage sale on all of my belongings, adding up over a $100000. My car has been stolen as well. I’ve been left out on the street and my perpetrator has severely. Beat me unconscious with that. Lamb and fractured my C4 and 5 ran me and my dog over. And when I went with my advocate from the faithhouse to put a restraining order, they told the 36 pages and said I couldn’t because I didn’t know his address which we thought was baloney. And come to find out he’s an informant which I have no knowledge of but would that being Known? I would think that sometimes I authority would take the initiative to be humble enough to keep me safe instead of making it more gateway for my perpetrator to get me and Bury me where he showed me he was gonna Bury me. It’s almost like I’m the perpetrator and he’s the victim. I have found me a house thanks to Christian sinner of above you, Mr. Marcello’s and he’s referring me to landlord Scott Menard. Which the address is 110 Olive street in Abbeville? Louisiana, it will not be ready until April 1st 2024, so therefore I have been contacting my caseworker at the Lafayette of the moon in parish. Sectionate office with no help in response. And I need response in order to get this going. I’ve already signed my lease with Scott Maynard again. I am on the streets. It is a holiday weekend and everything has been stolen, including my food stamp so begging for food. Yes, boring no and I have no car at all because he’s paid someone to steal my car. I’ve also found A. Audio device stationed in my room. Hidden software where it privately video myself and who ever came in the room which I find is disgusting so most. Definitely. I want to press charges on whoever. However, whenever and I would like to get somebackup more than the fate house, so if someone could call me at 3378530879 I would greatly appreciate it. And I have copied mister jeff landry and clay higgins as wellHi, my name is Kylie derise and I am a 100% disabled. I am a domestic violence abuse, victim and I am a participant of section 8 and 811 for the last 7 years. I have been wrongfully evicted from Acadia Parish without any paperwork. And the landlord Anna thorities had a today garage sale on all of my belongings, adding up over a $100000. My car has been stolen as well. I’ve been left out on the street and my perpetrator has severely. Beat me unconscious with that. Lamb and fractured my C4 and 5 ran me and my dog over. And when I went with my advocate from the faithhouse to put a restraining order, they told the 36 pages and said I couldn’t because I didn’t know his address which we thought was baloney. And come to find out he’s an informant which I have no knowledge of but would that being Known? I would think that sometimes I authority would take the initiative to be humble enough to keep me safe instead of making it more gateway for my perpetrator to get me and Bury me where he showed me he was gonna Bury me. It’s almost like I’m the perpetrator and he’s the victim. I have found me a house thanks to Christian sinner of above you, Mr. Marcello’s and he’s referring me to landlord Scott Menard. Which the address is 110 Olive street in Abbeville? Louisiana, it will not be ready until April 1st 2024, so therefore I have been contacting my caseworker at the Lafayette of the moon in parish. Sectionate office with no help in response. And I need response in order to get this going. I’ve already signed my lease with Scott Maynard again. I am on the streets. It is a holiday weekend and everything has been stolen, including my food stamp so begging for food. Yes, boring no and I have no car at all because he’s paid someone to steal my car. I’ve also found A. Audio device stationed in my room. Hidden software where it privately video myself and who ever came in the room which I find is disgusting so most. Definitely. I want to press charges on whoever. However, whenever and I would like to get somebackup more than the fate house, so if someone could call me at 3378530879 I would greatly appreciate it. And I have copied Mr. Jeff Landry and clay Higgins as well.
Omg, I read your story an it sounds just like mine an I just wanted to encourage you too keep your faith. I pray in agreement with you that God will help us get a place to live soon in Jesus Name.
Im homeless, jobless,friendless, family dont want me, society dnt want me, i cant keep myself clean to work ststus. I have no safe place to sleep, i struggle with bi polor depression, anxiety that goes through the roof, i dnt know who to trust, im alone, and the only person keeps me going is Jesus our Lord. He is my savior/protecter who will never turn his back on me. I keep hoping for a blessing, but not yet, and im loosing hope, and who i am inside
Go online and contact section8, fill out the application and wait for an email response
I’ve been on it since 2013 still nothing… and 3 kids single mother struggling. I wish I could figure out how to get a voucher myself especially for New Jersey. Sadly we’re all in the same boat but with different struggles.