Emergency Housing Vouchers

I’m really confused! I’m a 54 year old disabled woman living on a disability check that is in Desperate need of housing. I contacted my Local PHA who told me that he could not help me because there was a waiting list that hasn’t been opened since 2016!! No help at all!! I did further research and discover these “Emergency Housing Vouchers”!! Exactly what I need and I will qualify for!! I call the PHA back and when I am FINALLY able to speak to him again he tells me he not only doesn’t have them. He never has ever had them and won’t be getting them!! This was the total extent of help I received from my PHA!! I don’t understand why my Parish hasn’t been able to help ANYONE SINCE 2016!!! Why would we not receive ANY VOUCHERS AT ALL!??? I just don’t understand this at all??? So people like me and others are just not entitled or able to receive any help whatsoever from HUD?? Please somebody explain to me what is going on and where we are supposed to go when we are in need like the rest of the world?? PLEASE!!!


I am looking for descent housing here that is affordable. My apartment is upstairs and the steps are dangerous and the rails are rusted and :fallen_leaf: by off and the floor in front of my door has planks underneath it. I have mold in my bathroom and the ceiling in my kitchen is falling down. I am on disability for seizures and passing out from low blood pressure and now a heart issue. I pay 600 a month for this and it is unsuitable . I feel run down tired and sick alot don’t know if it is my health or the apartment. Can’t find help here and won’t no one talk to me because of who my landlord is. I am in desperate need of good affordable housing that is safe . I live in Glasgow Kentucky. Please someone help me


I’m am facing the street if I don’t get my and my son who has mental health issues and problems and I’m trying to get help and they approved me for something and I’m trying to get help from the right person so I can get somewhere stable for myself and my son before the cold weather

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I am homeless and have mental illnesses i take medication for really need a house!


I’m really confused as to the role that you actually play in providing what you call housing assistance. Since I have been in search of affordable housing, section 8, etc. I have had no luck actually finding the help I need. I get emails after email asking the same questions and providing the same information only to do it all over again the next time. People are reaching out in desperation and the only thing I see you helping with is posting people’s business and their vulnerability. What have you actually done what you say your about? How many people have actually been place into a place they can afford and call home? Affordable Housing, Affordable Housing Hub are a waist of time and giving hope that you can actually do something. So far you haven’t done anything im still in search of a place I can afford and irritated as hell to your false promises. People are in desperate need of affordable housing do what you say you are about and help us not just put our business out there. Please


I am a 56 year old
In desperate need of emergency housing here in Fayetteville,nc.
I have COPD,I’m bipolar schizo,anxiety,panic attacks,arthritis.i to from house to house staying with others i dont know what to do

Lonnell Deondre Kinchion
Health conditions
KU Medical Center Wichita Kansas
Caseworker Katrina
Doctor Mary Jacobs
Relocated Kansas City Missouri
No clinic
Mental illness needs : Emergency voucher ASAP
Emergency Homeless motel , hotel Voucher
Emergency Assistance

I’m looking for low income disability housing. I recently suffered a stroke and while the doctors were working me over discovered I have a brain aneurysm. I’m 58 yrs old and have predecesed my mom by 8 yrs.
When I was released into my husbands care he lost his job for giving me great care. Now, the only income is my social security disability.
Ive lived in my apartment for over 22 yrs. June 1,2023 new owners purchased the apartment building we’ve lived in so long. We’ll June 23rd they started eviction on us. We’ve been in and out of court due to corporate greed. The new owners want our unit to rehab and charge 1900$ rent from what I’ve paid last 22 yrs of 750$ a month. My income monthly won’t cover the rent and we’re gonna be homeless December 31,2023. I have a month and a half to move with now an eviction on our record. I paid 22 yrs without an eviction. So, I filed with my local PHA. I was number 19 on senior disability housing. I was pushed to number 30 because veterans go first. This can be years before disability housing can accommodate me. My son, my husband and myself will be homeless!! UniteCT will help with first months rent and 1 month security, but no one takes it when you apply. I have to pay 50$-100$ each application fee for every apartment application.
My son has to move somewhere else and my husband and I are going to have to go into a shelter and put everything I’ve earned last 22 yrs in storage. No one is willing to help. Including my local PHA!!! They don’t care, nobody cares. Im sick with a brain aneurysm and I won’t have surgery bc I have nowhere to recover. My meals are delivered and I have a in home nurse. My Medicare insurance helps but my state of Connecticut has taken my foodstamps away from me !!! How
Are we supposed to get ahead in life??? Im going to be homeless!! I have no family left. Im an only child. My husband barely has family left.
What should we do? I’ve applied
To every section 8 housing authority throughout my state of Connecticut and I’ve applied outside the state. Does anyone know who I can contact for help?
NOBODY CARES TODAY AND ITS A SHAME!! I have fought enough in court against these slumlord new owner of this building that worries about the almighty dollar than a tenant that’s lived here and took care of this building as a superintendent as well. Im so
Upset that my family will be displaced and homeless!!

Hi ,I am Valerie my husband lost his job due to covid he then made great money he worked there 20 years and they closed the doors and locked everyone out and went bankrupt .we kept up with it for another years but covid wiped out any savings we had .then we just started losing everything one bye one .weve lost family members a brother ,mother Within 3 minutes months of each other and it kept going aunts Friends the best man at our wedding just kept dying about 20 people with in a 4 month time frame.we live in my car with my dogs they are 2 pugs landords since covid are more strict don’t want dogs I refuse to put them down can some one please help me with housing

I know exactly how you feel I’m disabled also , but in in white Co, searcy Arkansas, if your not a single mom of 5 or more kids with men running in and out and selling drugs. You can’t get an apartment. If you are all of this you’re First in line to get government assistance here , it’s really sad

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Hello this is my first time ever on this housing heroes site, your comment was the first that I read which 2as in June I think? I sure
hope you have found housing since then. It is now in December 7, I live in Mississippi I’m taking it you may possibly live in Louisiana you mentioned a Parrish.? I’m 58 disabled For the last couple months, been bouncing from my sisters to a friends house, which will both be ending soon! I do have my 2014 Hyundai accent and it is my safety comfort zone/home. I’m actually loving this cooler weather right now but anyways.!!! Both Louisiana & Mississippi just like all the States received very large, large housing grants these grants was “intended” to help the homeless, displaced, maintenance on government/low income housing, H.U.D/Section 8 etc. not long after Biden took office——-key word::: “INTENDED”
The beginning of 2020 I drove to GulfPort to the HUD office, sat in the parking lot, filled out all the paperwork on the list of apartments to choose from I chose ALL but 3-4 locations, some were damn near up to the Delta Arkansas line. I live near the coast, away from only family I have , !! October 2022, I received a letter from HUD with an address\location… same county next, town over, was one of the 3-4 areas I did not choose & worst locations possible!!! I truly believe in my heart The only reason I got the letter was because three or four months prior to that I called the office was asking for an update I never got it couldn’t talk to nobody I left messages left messages. Finally I talk to somebody that was so rude, very rude and ugly speaking I was informed the reason why none of my messages got answered or nobody replied, because we/Applicants were INFORMED Not to call the office whatsoever for updates, that they would contact me! I was never informed that after that, I did make some additional phone calls to additional places which really didn’t give me no far it got me a letter, location to the hood!!! It’s been a struggle. This is real. This is reality.

IMy name is Kimberly Garrett and I am homeless I am in desperately need of housing I suffer from depression and I am type 2 diabetic it is hard to get to a doctor or get meds when you are homeless someone please help me I have 5 children 3 of which are grown my 2 are 16 and my daughter is 12 I have custody of them but I let them live with their father so I don’t have to have them in the streets and homeless with me I need help badly!!! Help

Hi! My name is Safee
I’m a single 55 old male . How can I find emergency housing in Alameda Alameda

Hey my name is Demitree Martinez and I need an Emergency Housing Voucher because I’m homeless and need somewhere to stay or call home. Can you please help me get an Emergency Housing Voucher please thank you. I really do need an Emergency Housing Voucher it would save my life and fix all my problems. I’m 30 years old and Mexican and Black i’m a hard worker and in need of a place to live. Need a home please give me an Emergency Housing Voucher please and thank you again have a good day.

I’m a 56 single mom couple month I lost my place cause I lost my purse with my whole check was I’m my purse so after that I stay behind on my rent couldn’t catch up on my rent so I lost my place so me and my son stay here and there I call housing to see if they could help !me no luck and I’m disabled to I through we come first but I guess not! Lots of prayers let see what God have for us…:nose::nose::nose:

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Trust and believe, I’m in much the same mindset, but lashing out isn’t going to resolve anything. I bet you’re just a frustrated as you were when you began writing your comment.
In bit sure what this site does either, but i know that thanks to several links, i have been able to directly apply for HCV for 8 different countries in the state i live in. And my application to be out into lottery was selected!! Now that’s a tiny bit of hope.
You have to do the leg work. No one is going to help you. Find open communities/ counties in the state you live in and start applying for everything that could meet your needs.
Sure as heck is a lot more productive than doing the anonymous keyboard warrior thing.

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Hello I’m Ruby I live in San Jose California I’m 26 years old and I need emergency housing I’m currently living in the streets an I have a to say it’s scary please someone help me get out from the streets in to somewhere safe

I feel the same way. I appreciate them taking the time to email me every day and get my hopes up only to read the same information as the week before. I have not heard of anyone getting help either. I read about HUD receiving 70 billion dollars that are distributed throughout the US. Then the state distributes the money as they seem fit. That is 70 percent I read goes to establishments to build low income housing and projects that MAY help in 2 to 3 years. Well renting properties out at $1500 to $2000 is not low cost. When I look at what they were renting for 2 years ago it’s like $500. How can people charge so much for a property that is most likely paid for or they are paying a mortgage on for less than a half of what is being charged. I feel like if you are not making at least $1000 a week you are overlooked and forgotten. I’m 59 now and been without a place of my own for 2 years now. I have work my whole life from the time I was 16 up until I was 40. I received a pay check every week of every year. I had my last child when I turned 40 and was a stay at home mom for the next few years. Staying at home is harder than working every day. It’s full time, even on the weekends and holidays, you work twice as hard and don’t get over time. Your day ends when you’re eyes close. Now that I’m older and raised my three boys, without any help or child support. My body and mind are tired but now I have to worry every day about myself and grandson getting a place to call our home. HUD doesn’t seem like they are going to help. From what I read, and understand, they are giving 70 percent of the billions of dollars awarded, to establishments, so they can build more low income housing. Instead of helping people that are on the waiting list or don’t have a place to live. Isn’t that where the money is supposed to go? That is what housing heroes says or want people to think the money goes. Because I haven’t seen or heard of anyone getting a voucher, let alone getting on a waiting list. Tallahassee Florida hasn’t had their waiting list open for section 8 housing, since 2021. I thought that is what HUD money is supposed to do, help people who need housing to get housing. There’s a lot of people out there needing housing right now, not 2 years from now. Then they can “build some more " low income housing”. But as of now, HUD needs to house some people who are either on the waiting list, need to get on the waiting list or are just homeless. House some people who need HUD now ,then worry about the future.

Thank you. I’m having the same problem and has been getting a plethora of texts from AHH reminding me to not lose my housing voucher and go look and upda the waitlist site but nothing is there for me to choose and looked like someone has fraudulently used my information and applied for housing through AHH in Pasco. Wa and that’s not me and I don’t have any avenue to rectify this problem besides going to and trying to reach out to AHH

Thank you so much again