I left a 40 year physically and mental relationship to this day i have a protective order on my exhusband and he still stalks me so trying to move where he canot find me.So then friday i gotta call from a DFS agency stating they needed me to come to the Delaware family court. Well so i did to find out they want and are giving me sole custody of my 3 grandkids the girl 15 the2 boys 13 and 7 due to sexual assult on the girl and physical abuse on the boys from my oldest daughters boyfriend whom is defending him all the way.i had custody them before for his physical abuse back in 2019. So i had them from Sept 26,2019 till March 18 of 2022. My daughter could have had them back in 2019 if she just complied withe court and remove this boyfriend from the kids lives and the house hold.So DFS and i completed all the necessary paperwork had it filed into the court and notarized and i still have joint custody in Maryland so when a Judge goes over everything today or tomorrow then the guar#ian ship will be granted but i canfile for legal primary custody. The kids go to school in Delaware i would love to keep them there so is not to keep uprooting there lives or even Marydel Md Or Henderson Md. Im being honest th
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If you’re located in Washington State Contact DSHS about qualifying for the hen program. It stands for housing and Central needs program. They will refer you to Catholic community services and I’ve heard of people getting into places as quickly as a week. Good luck I hope this works. I believe mothers should be taken care of very well and it’s a shame there’s not more programs for them. In Kirkland Washington there’s a program called k i t h. I forget what it stands for but they have emergency housing as well. Good luck
I’m in Caroline county Md