Stressed in Sacramento

Good Day. My name is Kellie and i seriously need your help or at least a point in the right direction for me and my family.

In 2019 we became homeless after the death of my mother in law. We started working with Sacramento Steps Forward and did everything they wanted. When the Pandemic hit we were fortunate to be placed in a motel for our safety for the duration and we were told we would get permanent housing as the next step. We complied with everything for over 2 years. No problems and no violations. We worked with i believe 4 housing navigators and they would each leave the job and we would start over with a new one. After the 4th navigator left we never heard from anyone. Frustrated, i called 211 and was told that yes we were in the CoC with approval of PSH for 2 years and that we did have a navigator. He told me it was someone that we never met andhe didn’t have a number. I gave all the info to the manager of the program at the hotel and was told, 'great, we will get this handeld for you." The hotel finally did move us over to a program still run by STEPs while they figured it out. Fast forward 18 months and still nothing. We have been trying to pay full rent, where everyone else here is on a voucher. That part is very hard because im diaabled recieving SSDI and my spouse is my care giver. We are about to be evicted with no insight on what to do next. I called 211 again and was told exactly ver batim what i heard from them 18 months ago.

Please note i am not blaming anyone for our situation. I understand people leave jobs and life happens. I would also note that we are truly grateful for everything these agencies provided and did for us. So now what? HELP PLEASE!