Disabled housing disabled housing

My name is Derek. I am disabled and received disability Social Security. I currently live in an adult family home in Renton Washington. I no longer require the services that an adult family home offers. I would really like to move out on my own into an apartment preferably. I have not applied to Section 8 because they are not accepting applications at this time. Can someozane please help guide me to getting some form of independent housing. I sincerely appreciate any help.


I think you just have to be patient

I have no problem waiting and being patient. I’m just requesting some help on what the process and how to start the process. I am new to this and I understand it’s going to take some time. I just want to know what steps I can take to begin the process.

Hi my name Leslie Hogg and I’m also disabled and on social security disability been needing a disabled Voucher for housing That will accept Voucher for the upcoming months, therefore this would be a great opportunity for me to be accepted I’ve been waiting for quite some time now to yours truly government. gov

I’m going through the same thing it’s been 4 years now and it seems like everyone can get housing except the disabled and the low income it’s absolutely ridiculous good luck with it